Matt and I left the dock at Lake Union Yacht Center about 9:30 a.m. A Sunday morning in early December was ideal to cruise past Fremont, through the Lake Washington Ship Canal. We had the whole place to ourselves. I've been over the Ballard bridge countless times, but not often under it. I forgot the sunscreen, but I guess it's OK. |
Boats, boathouses and boatyards line up on either side of Salmon Bay; an amazing variety. The Hiram M. Chittendon locks, usually referred to as the Ballard locks, is the next challenge. The big lock is visible on the right, just below the railway drawbridge. The small lock is less visible to the left. Just idle in, hang on the wall while the light is red and proceed forward into the lock when the light turns green. Then hang on the wall again, the lock closes behind and the water level lowers. Nothing difficult, it only took me 2 attempts.
Once free of the locks and through Shilshole Bay, everything is Puget Sound. The first picture is the oil storage facility at Point Wells in Edmonds with Point Edwards just beyond. It's amazing how the shoreline looks so wooded from the water and so suburban from the land. Next it's North Northwest, toward Useless Bay on Whidbey Island. |
My son Matt takes the helm on the flybridge; the skies are gray and the temperature is definitely cool. Next up is the view aft from the bridge; looking back toward Seattle. West Point is top center. |
Here's the lower helm. Instruments showing all is well at 2100 RPM, 14 knots, and depth at 1099 feet. Steady as she goes....
Possession Point off the SE tip of Whidbey Island is a landmark and a favorite spot for salmon fishermen. Mount Baker is just visible in the far distance. |
Historic Fort Casey Military Reservation near Admiralty Head. In 1858 the U.S. government purchased this 10 acres of land for $400.00 to construct of the Admiralty Head Lighthouse. I'll offer double that amount !!
Next up is Point Partridge where we change our heading from Northwest to North, toward Rosario Strait. |
Following a tug and barge through Rosario Strait. I'm glad I went on the outside of Whidbey Island, even though the tides and currents were congenial, it's a much more exposed route so I got so see a bit of the seaworthyness of a 34' Tollycraft. Before entering Guemes Channel, we motored through Burrows Bay. Here's sunset, or nearly sunset, over Burrows Island. |