Pacific NW Vintage Races photos by Gerald Albertson July 4 - 6, 2003 |
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The paddock is the racers prep area. Some of the racers operate on a larger budget and come equipped with a big trailer full of race cars and spare parts, along with a motor home or two.
Others seem to have a great time using the family SUV and a small tent-like shelter. Vintage racing can be expensive, but it can also be done on a budget. Many people race the pre1970 Porsches because they are durable and reliable and spare parts are readily available. A surprising number of people enjoy vintage racing as a family event. For my money, what really puts this event over the top is the friendliness. You would expect the car-club-types in the Corral to be more than happy to talk at length about the beauty that has occupied so many of their hours. But the racers are the friendliest and most outgoing of all. An admiring look at their race car is likely to spark a conversation where you will learn all about vintage racing and probably get invited to share their picnic lunch. The enthusiasm is contagious. Go forward to: PAGE 6 |