Pacific NW Vintage Races photos by Gerald Albertson July 4 - 6, 2003 |
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Some of the cars have such wonderful classic lines that they just turn back the clock. Owning and driving them must be quite a thrill. The 1953 Allard J2X belonging to Ken McBride and the 1948 Allard K1 belonging to Robert Lucurell are two such machines. I wish my father could have seen them; he would remember the excitement of their victories. A couple of days at the Pacific Northwest Historics is worth a couple of volumes. I'm so glad I attended this year. Taking pictures, sharing the cars that I grew up around with my young neighbor,
talking with old friends and meeting new excellent July 4th weekend. It must be mentioned that all proceeds from the races go to Children's Hospital Regional Medical Center, benefiting children whose families could not otherwise afford the finest in medical care. Two groups make this possible: SOVREN, ( the Society of Vintage Racing Enthusiasts and the SOVREN Guild ( Ownership of a racecar is not required for membership in either, only a big heart and a kind and gererous spitit. Until next year I remain your amateur author, photographer, webmaster and 951 pilot. I'm delighted to tell you that I'm not growing older, I'm growing more.....vintage. Go back to: PAGE 1 |